So tonight was the family barbeque. All three of my brothers and I were at my parent's house plus one of my brother's girlfriend. My sister had to work! Boo!
So, while my parent's started getting dinner together and firing up the grill, the "kids" played a game of Friskee. What is Friskee you ask? Allow me to explain.
Friskee is usually a sport played with a frisbee, two gates and two teams. However, the version we played was invented by college students and is pretty fun.
Here's how to play:
You need two ski poles, two empty beer/root beer bottles and a frisbee.
How to Play:
1. You will need to stick two ski poles straight into the grass. Distance them about 30 feet.
2. Then, balance the empty beer bottle on top of each ski pole. You will need to make sure the ski pole has a pretty nice size handle to balance the bottles.
3. Each team of two will stand at opposite ends of the ski poles.
4. Each team member must hold a beverage of any kind in their non-throwing hand during the entire game. Trust me, it makes the game so much more fun!
Object of the Game:
Each team member takes a turn to try and knock the empty bottle off of the ski pole with the frisbee. For example, team one, one member would go. Then, team two, one of their members would go and then back to team one. Every time a team member knocks down the beer bottle they earn 1 point. However, if the empty bottle is knocked down by the opposing team and the defending team catches the falling bottle with their one open hand, they earn 2 points. First team to 20 points wins!
This game is so much fun! It gets tricky too, because you only have one free hand to throw the frisbee and try and catch the falling bottle if it is hit. Give it a try!
Okay, so back to what we had for dinner. While the fabulous game of friskee was going on in the backyard, dinner was coming together. Dinner consisted of homemade fries, fresh fruit salad, jalapeno cheddar bbq bacon burgers and Wickles!
The fries were Idaho potatoes cut into about 1/4 inch length. They were then marinated in a water/vinegar bath in a big bowl. This makes the fries extra crispy. After they marinated for about 10 minutes, they were dried completely. They were then submerged into a cast iron skillet filled with vegetable oil on high heat. Fry them about for about 10 minutes and delicious! Super crispy. The jalapeno cheddar burgers were from Whole Foods, already pre-made and packaged. They were incredible! Not spicy at all, just a little hint of the jalapeno. Served on top of the burger was a slice of cheddar cheese, fresh bacon and a drizzle of bbq sauce. We also had a side of fruit salad with pineapple, blueberries and strawberries, along with a side of incredible sweet and tangy Wickles!
My eyes were bigger than my stomach, I could barely finish any of this! But what a great way to end Memorial Day Weekend with an incredible feast, family and game of friskee!