Chocolate. I love it...I yearn for it...apparently I think I need it. No, I know I need it (hehe). I came across these great raw natural food bars, LARABAR. I love this product because each and every product has only 2 to 8 ingredients. LARABAR has a flavored bar, Cocoa Mole, that is amazing. The ingredients include dates, almonds, walnuts, unsweetened cocoa powder, cinammon and chili. The flavor combination and my desire for chocolate, make this one satisfying bar. The plus side...it is good for me! You seriously CAN'T beat that!
Thanks for post about the LARABAR Peanut Butter & Jelly flavor. I help run the LARABAR blog, and we'd like to send you complimentary goodies. Also, if you'd like to be featured as the Fan of the Day on the blog, please email a jpeg of yourself and a short bio. I'm at lewisafein@aol.com. Thanks again for your post!! All my best