There were tons of hiking events scheduled today across the U.S. All the events are featured through the American Hiking Society. This is a really cool website and gives great tips for hikers.
I,unfortunately, could not celebrate National Trails Day. However, one of my favorite things to do is go hiking. Instead, I was super busy helping my mom and sister get ready for a bridal shower being held at my parent's house tomorrow! My sister's best friend is getting married next month, and she is the maid of honor and wanted to host the party at my parent's house.
So, today involved a lot of grocery shopping, running errands, cleaning, cooking and organizing.
These flowers, were all cut and arranged by my mom.
These tomatoes will be going in the pasta salad, tomorrow, before we serve it.
This punch bowl will hold some fabulous punch tomorrow afternoon!
Tomorrow, I am going to have all the food we prepped tonight featured on my blog! There are some great recipes that include:
Homemade Chicken Salad on fresh croissants
Homemade Pasta Salad
Homemade Punch
Some lovely dessert items
So, come check out the blog post tomorrow for some really great recipes for any kind of party you are hosting.
Now, for the rest of the night I am indulging in a Garnier Fructis deep conditioning hair treatment, which I leave on for about 1 1/2 hours, with a hot towel wrapped around my head. I look so ridiculous, but it really does some deep treatment when I do this!
A Burt's Bees Facial Mask, which is the best! After I do this mask, my face feels so fresh and tight. It has an amazing fresh scent to it too.
I will also be whitening my teeth, lotioning up my dry skin and watching a chick flick! Love it. I got a manicure and pedicure yesterday so I feel like a new woman!
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